Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Seasonal Suggestion...

I'm a huge fan of Ovaltine. I mean regardless of how you feel about it you have to admit it is a heck of a lot better than Swiss Miss or whatever that stuff is. The earlier you introduce Ovaltine the better. I luckily stumbled across it early so as far as my kids are concerned, it tastes great because they don't know otherwise. If they want chocolate milk for a snack, great! As they get older, they will probably look back and realize Mom was always a quick "yes" when chocolate milk was requested. I don't mind Ovaltine and if you take a minute to look at it's label, you'll see why.

As far as my seasonal suggestion goes, forget hot chocolate the traditional way. Do Ovaltine instead. That way, at least they are getting milk AND the vitamin/nutrient-rich/low-sugar/80-calorie chocolate powder instead of just water and fake chocolate and sugar with zero benefit. Ovaltine has directions for a "hot drink" as well as cold. Follow the hot directions and then throw some Reddi Whip and some chocolate sprinkles on top. You as the Mom will feel good about your child's hot chocolate this winter! Ahhhh...a guilt-free holiday season!


  1. Last year I bought one of those super-cute packaged Rudolph hot chocolate mixes. Guess what? The crap in it (made in China I believe) got dumped out and it was quickly replaced with Ovaltine. Unfortunately when it comes to kids, packaging is half the battle. Unfortunately for us manufacturers know this. Point being, don't be afraid to get a cute container and put Ovaltine in it for the season. The kids get pumped when they see it come out!

  2. Editorial correction: The aforementioned Rudolph hot chocolate mix IS made in the U.S.A. The tin was made in China! I just went and dug it out! Wanted to correct myself! ;-)

  3. Alright--you've got to explain your milk comment from your juicing post. I got the impression you were "anti-milk", but obviously not since you then later mention that your kids get it for breakfast and with Ovaltine. :)

  4. Courtney, It's posted! Check it out! See my article, "Milk...Does a body good?"
