Thursday, October 29, 2009

1. Satisfaction Guaranteed! An intro to Cutie Patootie Foodie...

Several people in my life have suggested I start a blog on feeding kids (the right way) for awhile now. Today, my kids' Godmother got her claws into me and REALLY talked me into it! Thank you, Godmudder Cherry.

What got me interested and passionate about feeding my children? Well, several things. One, anyone slightly educated on nutrition knows the importance and benefits of feeding not only ourselves, but young children as well. Growing brains and bones and bodies have special requirements. What I have learned throughout the years is that moms are either uneducated on how to go about this, or sadly, just too dad gum lazy. Insert my blog. I'll do ALL the work for you. You just read it!

And my other reason? The thing about feeding your kids well is, it's OK for it to come from a "selfish" place. As moms, we beat ourselves up daily about everything. Discipline. Are our kids smart enough? Do they have good manners? Are they healthy? How do they stack-up against other kids? How do I stack-up against other moms? Just a bombardment of "what ifs" and "I should'ves" and all the mommy guilt that just simply comes from being a mom. But let me tell you ladies, there is nothing quite like laying your head down at night and knowing that you COULD NOT HAVE fed your kids any better than you did that particular day. It is satisfaction that a million dollars could not buy. And in the long run, though a couple more puzzles or "crafts" in a day might have their own benefits, there is nothing, nothing, nothing more important than feeding them well.

When you really start to look at children around you, the ones that have fewer discipline issues, better sleep habits, better manners, make better grades at school, have better listening skills, get along better with other children, are more active, more inquisitive, have shiny hair, brighter eyes, glowing skin and are less-likely to get ill are the children that are just simply fed better. That is a fact- plain and simple. If guilt is starting to well-up a little bit as you read the above, don't sweat it. You just found someone who not only takes this subject very seriously, but sincerely loves researching it and sharing it with others. Satisfaction guaranteed!


  1. DISCLAIMER: In the spirit of full disclosure, I just wanted to make clear that I am not a doctor or a registred dietitian or nutritionist. Do with the info and advice what you will but also know I have hours of research behind most everything!

  2. Leya,

    I am so proud of you for starting this blog! Your and Brian's kids are so healthy -- granted, as the "Godmudder" I am a little biased -- but your kids love healthy foods and that is because you have done such a great job of introducing healthy and nutritious foods to them at such an early age. In this age of fast-food and processed food addictions, there is no better time to start your kids on a healthy lifestyle than when they are young. I look forward to your blog and will share with my friends ... Just remember, when you get a call from Oprah, Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart, etc. to be on their show don't forget who "nudged" you into this.

    Sherri (aka, Godmudder Cherry)

  3. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Recipes?

  4. Yea! I was about to order "The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood" on Amazon but maybe I'll wait and read your blog instead! Feeling a little convicted as we have had too many chicken nuggets this week! :)

  5. Hey, Lisa! Nothing wrong with some chicken nuggets! Just get some natural ones "breaded" with flax seed! You can even find these at your local grocery store, not necessarily a health food store. Take the time one day to really peruse the frozen food section at your grocery store! You'll be surprised at what you'll find! I just did that and found mango puree already to go! CHECK! One less puree I have to make for my infant! But I found it because I was really taking my time one day to see what all I could find!

  6. Leya,

    I think this blog is fabulous!Rock on sista! I see so many chilren everyday that do not get the nutrishment they need. I will definately pass this on!

