Friday, October 30, 2009

12. Healthy Snack Ideas

Healthy Snack Ideas:

* yogurt (low, low, low in sugar)
organic raisins
cheese and crackers
Annie's bunny snacks
apples and organic peanut butter
graham crackers
organic animal crackers
sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds (great in trail mixes)
raw nuts (again, great in trail mixes or sneaking into cookies recipes, pancakes, muffins)
dried fruits (watch the preservatives)
organic popcorn
fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy dips (kids LOVE dipping)

* I sneak probiotic capsules into my kids' yogurts (Yo Baby). I bought probiotic capsules for children from the local health food store and I pull them apart and dump the powder in the yogurt and mix well. The kids never know. Just make sure and mix it in the very top part of the yogurt to make sure they actually get it. Sometimes they'll leave a little yogurt and I want to rest assured the probiotic has been eaten! See my article on probiotics next!


  1. A great activity to do with your kids is to allow them to make their own trail mix- they're so much more likely to eat it. My girls LOVE to choose the single colored M&Ms for their trail mix- ALWAYS pink of course! But let them have a "limited" say in all the ingredients and let them help you "shake it up" to mix it. You're also making a long-term impression on your kids by allowing them to help you make anything healthy. I'm convinced that the one item my kids will never be able to live without, even in college or after, will be a juicer. It's a huge part of their life. And I love that!

  2. what do you know about the Health Master Juicer? (the one endorsed by Montel Williams)

  3. Jaime, I don't. I have the Jack LaLanne. I do love it. Cleaning it is a WHIP but I think that goes with any of them. I love how it will save the left over pulp from all the veggies/fruit in a gallon baggie and I freeze it for both Walker in his baby food and to sneak into muffin or cookie mixes. We make popsicles constantly. Payton LOVES to help me juice. Definitely a juicing house. I have some girlfriends with some seriously awesome juice recipes. Crazy stuff. I'll post my juicing article soon. We'll all share!
